Books, DVDs

Beyond Words

Those interested in reading books from the Mind, Body and Spirit category, I cordially invite you to visit the website below. Founded in 1983 as a publisher of fine coffee table books, Beyond Words currently releases around 15 new titles in the Mind, Body, and Spirit category. The Beyond Words books inspire people to gain wholeness and completeness `for themselves, and to learn, grow, and find solutions for daily life.                                                

Mind and Spirit

Recently I ran into another great online source of the books on Mind and Spirit by Hay House. Their books are not just interesting for reading; they teach how we can heal our bodies ourselves through our mind. Their books are great gift ideas too. A couple of titles which intrigued me the most were:”How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body” and “Psychic Healing”. The links to the books and to the website are below.
How Your Mind Can Heal Your Body
Psychic Healing
Hay House

*We, as women, want to be attractive, healthy, slim and active! But how do we achieve this goal? How can we stay slim and keep the unwanted pounds off? Stay on a diet? I personally can’t stay on a diet and do not support any diet at all. From my point of view all weight loss diets are wrong and bad for our health, for both physical and psychological health. I believe that we can and should eat all that our body needs but in moderation and do not overindulge ourselves. The second point is to exercise at least three times a week and at least 40 minutes each time. Joining a gym is a great idea, but not everyone can afford to pay the gym fee: I can’t afford it myself too so I exercise at my home at my spare time. Don't know any exercises? Get the most popular book of exercises for women and stay slim, active and healthy. Follow the link below.
Book of Exercises

Exercises on DVD

Seeing someone doing an exercise and following them is much easier than just reading the instructions from a book and trying to learn it. This is why I would recommend doing your workouts with Nicole Nichols by watching her do the exercises and copying them. And it is more fun to exercise in a group, isn't it? And Nicole is good company to be with! So, I would keep her company not just for 10 minutes, as it is suggested on the cover, but for a bit longer, let’s say, 30-40 minutes. You will notice the rewarding results, such as a slimmer and fit body, much sooner. To check out the DVDs by SparkPeople follow the links.
Fit, Firm and Fired Up
Cardio Blast

"What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About"

*The time comes when women feel tired and exhausted from PMS symptoms. Sometimes the symptoms come out of the blue; it seems like it’s too early, like it shouldn’t be here yet…The same happened to me when I was only 40  and got struck with hot flashes and loss of energy…I didn’t know what to do, whom to look to for the help…I struggled to survive for three unhappy years… One day I ran into the book by Virginia Hopkins (“What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About”) that a good friend had given to me long ago and I started reading it. The more I read, the more it seemed like it was written for me: every symptom I was having was described there and explained in a very clear and an easy-to-understand language! So, I found my case in the book, learned how to use progesterone cream, bought it and began using it. The result was almost unbelievable: in just a few days I started feeling much better! The hot flashes were gone and my energy level began to rise every day. Looking back, I could say that I saved myself without having to take any medications or having to go through any surgeries! I feel that every woman should have this book in her home and strongly recommend reading it to be able to help yourself when times come. The link to the book is below.
What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About

"How to Talk So Kids Can Learn"

Raising kids never was an easy task and not all of us parents had a chance to go through a special training/course on how to effectively communicate to our children so they would listen, learn and cooperate. I always was open to advice from my parents, fellow mothers and other sources and tried to implement them in my family. I can’t say that I had much success, maybe because the timeframe and the situation in each family were different. Last month I went to the Book Fair at my son’s school and bought a book, “How to Talk So Kids Can Learn”. The book was a real discovery for me and the approach suggested in this book seems to be a universal one because it is aimed at "feelings" and every child has them. I started using this approach when communicating with my son and it worked: we began understanding each other much better and his cooperation improved greatly. I strongly recommend reading this book: it has numerous priceless practical advices and solutions to many situations arising in a family.
How To Talk So Kids Can Learn

Another great book from this series is “How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk”.
How To Talk So Kids Will Listen

"How to Prevent... a Heart Attack..."

Astounding facts and amazing news became available to the public owing to the book “How to Prevent or Even Reverse Heart Attack Without Drugs or Surgery” by Dr. Robert Willix. Dr. Willix quit performing heart surgery at the peak of his career and decided to make the transition to a world of health and preventive medicine. In his book Dr. Willix claims and proves that cholesterol lowering drugs, which are prescribed in order to prevent heart disease, in reality cause heart disease. He teaches how raising your cholesterol can protect your heart. He tells how to clean your arteries by means of simple nutrient. He writes about how to test yourself for a heart attack risk and shares with us many other lifesaving secrets. If you or your loved are currently suffering from a heart disease then you definitely need to read this book to have an option to cure yourself without drugs or surgery. Chose from paperback or e-book, whatever works better for you. The links to the book are below.
How to Prevent...Paperback
How to Prevent...(e-book)